7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re a Food Addict
Disclaimer: This post contains the experiences of a person who identifies as a food addict. The information in this post is not meant to replace advice from a medical or mental health professional. If you or someone you love is struggling with food addiction,...
Four Surprising Things That Happen When I Log My Food
They say logging your food helps you to eat more healthfully. That's what they say. And I know this. I've experienced it! Doesn't mean I've always been apt to do it. But recently I decided to start tracking daily again. Mostly because I had gotten a bit lax with some...
How to Get the Most Out of a Bariatric Dietician Appointment
Recently a member of the Foodie Nation Community reported back on having gone to see her dietician. Her report-back got me so excited because what she outlined was exactly what I saw as the most effective use of time between a bariatric patient and a dietician. So...
Four Hard Truths I Had to Accept After Weight Loss Surgery
They say when you have weight loss surgery, they operate on your stomach and not your head. Most of the time when I hear this said it’s pertaining to hunger, appetite and eating. But it’s true in so many ways. I don’t know about you guys, but there were ways I was...
Three Habits Bariatric Pre-Ops Need to Adopt NOW
There are a lot of steps to preparing for bariatric surgery. There are doctor's appointments, blood labs, tests, pre-op education classes (hopefully), meetings with your dietician and more. It's a lot. But believe me when I tell you that all that prep is for a reason!...
Why It’s Good to Fail
What if I told you, it’s good to fail? Essential, even, to your weight loss! Don’t believe me? Check out all the ways failure can help you become better, smarter, and more prepared.
Accountability: The Best Tool Nobody Uses
Accountability. Ugh! Don't you hate that word. It makes you think of the word "accountable" which makes you think of either sitting outside the principal's office or those God-awful, old-school Weight Watchers weigh-ins. (I heard they have gotten better with those,...
You’re measuring the wrong thing! How to calculate your % excess body weight lost.
The scale? Is the DEBBIL! Well wait. Let me qualify that statement. If the scale is tumbling in a downward motion, showing you consistent and impressive losses day after day, week after week, without interruption, then the scale probably isn't the DEBBIL to you. And...
Why You’re Not Following Through With Your Weight Loss Goals
Stick-to-it-ness. As a writer, that word (is it even a word?) drives me NUTS! But I get it. Stick-to-it-ness is the quality of being able to see things through. But not just on a case-by-case basis. If you have stick-to-it-ness, you are a person who usually does the...
How I Accidentally Reset My Pouch and Got Back in Control of My Hunger & Appetite
Ok so I’m going to ‘fess up. That title? Total click bait! I’m sorry. That may have been wrong. But this is important stuff and I wanted you to click on it. My intentions were totally honorable. I don’t believe in “pouch resets.” Or sleeve resets. Or (whatever you...