Robin Miller started the topic Robin's Week of October 15-21 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years, 2 months ago
This week (on Monday) my oldest baby turns 37. How did she get so old? How did I get so old?!
I’m going to try prepping as many of my breakfasts and lunches as I can. This is a new thing for me. I have my breakfasts done already. I made scotch eggs. Lunches may not be prepped until Monday as I have my husband’s lunches to do today. For me, I’m…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Today’s been pretty good. A cold front that was supposed to bring rain and temps in the upper 40s this morning, didn’t. It’s very windy but the sun is shining and we stayed in the 60s all day. Now tomorrow morning is supposed to be in the 40s.
After church we had a quick lunch and then went shopping for some dress pants for hubby (no luck there)…[Read more]
Blanche J replied to the topic October 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Morning! Rough emotional day yesterday! I hate being taken for granted or …. yeah, that!
anyway, kids were pretty good with a very moody, sassy 10yr Old in the mix! Made scalloped potatoes for dinner…yum! Funny how there are 5 people living here, 2 of which are children, but i’m Always alone! 😳
tomorrow my hubby and I will get out of th…[Read more]
Robin Miller started the topic October 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Happy Friday the Thirteenth!
Not much going on. Working on the house as always. I did have to finish up getting my oldest daughter’s birthday gift so I could get it in the mail to be delivered on her birthday Monday. It’s hard for me to believe sometimes that I have a child that is about to turn 37!
Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake
Lunch…[Read more]
Blanche J replied to the topic October 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Ok, ok! I’m here! My days are basically all the same… lol. But!! I did get my nails done! Food is doing pretty good… and i’m Staying away from wine so there’s that. Exercise is on hold till I get some weight off due to the horrible pain in my knees! Other than that…one Day is much like another. 😜
Robin Miller started the topic October 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m finally over the stomach bug my husband shared with me. However, last night was one of those nights that I just didn’t sleep. I finally dozed off just after five this morning. Unfortunately, the alarm goes off at 5:20. So I’ve been pretty much useless today. I ended up skipping my support group meeting.
Meals have actually been small snacks…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m definitely late posting. Sorry about that! I’m finally feeling better from the stomach bug. I spent the morning getting the oil changed in my husband’s car and then getting his “dress up” clothes ready to go to a close work friend’s funeral tomorrow.
Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake
Lunch… Well, I never actually got around to eating…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Apparently, I have caught whatever it is my husband had this past weekend and yesterday. It hit me after lunch yesterday. Last night was miserable.
I’m going to try to get the books to the library today, but at the moment it’s pretty iffy.
A close work friend of my husband’s died and the funeral is Thursday. We’re supposed to be taking a four…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
I hope he feels better soon, too! When he’s home sick, it throws off my entire day. I’m going to be out for a good chunk of the day between lunch and grocery shopping. I’m hoping he’ll sleep most of the day. I really believe that this is stress related although he won’t ever admit it.
Robin Miller started the topic October 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Well, I can’t donate the books today because the library is closed for the holiday. So, one more day.
My husband is home sick, so that always makes it difficult to get things done. Lunch with my sis and a trip to the grocery store (without sis!) Steps and liquids, of course.
Breakfast will be a vanilla Premier Protein shake mixed with some Chai…[Read more]
Robin Miller started the topic October 8th in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Happy Sunday!
I’m sitting here in the quiet with the dog. It’s about 60 degrees outside (that won’t last long) and, so far, a beautiful sunny day! (yesterday was overcast and gloomy)
I have no real plans for the day so far other than loading more boxes of books than I want to think about into my car to donate tomorrow. It has occurred to me that…[Read more]
Robin Miller started the topic Robin's Week of October 8-14 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years, 2 months ago
On the job front, the Greenville group is starting to look at the job applications from the Waco group. So we’re just waiting to hear back from them. Either way, we’re still getting the house ready to sell. We’ll either be moving or have a really nice house to live in!
The home office is nearly finished. I’ll be taking all of the books still here…[Read more]
Robin Miller started the topic October 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
WOOHOO! All of the books are sorted! I’m babysitting my 6 month old grandson this afternoon and told my son that payment for this was he and his wife going through the books to get what they want. Because, Monday, all of the books are being donated to the library. To give you a small idea of what this involved, I’m keeping 6 boxes of books (boxes…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 6 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
I will be done with all of the books today! I’m doing a quick sweep through all of the boxes and pulling out the children’s books for my grandsons and another sweep of the house to make sure that no books are left behind. I will be so glad to have this done. My back has been aching enough to keep me awake at night. The books will be loaded into my…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic Robin's Week of October 1-7 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years, 2 months ago
Working on it. I got up early today and was showered and dressed before hubby was up. Left the house right after he did. Now I’m trying to finish up sorting all those books. And laundry. I wish the temperatures would at least get out of the mid to upper 90’s. The amount of laundry I’d have to do would drop significantly. Supposedly mid week next…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic Robin's Week of October 1-7 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years, 2 months ago
Sounds like a good plan!
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Yup, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and ask for help. Not a thing wrong with that and something I should do more.
Still working on the house. Sometimes I think that I will be working on cleaning out the house forever!
Breakfast was a Quest bar
Lunch will be turkey and veggie tots
Dinner will be leftovers.
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 4 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I woke up very tired this morning. I’m on day 4 of a major headache (we had to front come thru) that I just can’t seem to shake. However, I am getting some things done. I bought a 4 pound tub of peanut butter and on Monday and by mid afternoon (I’m taking a lunch break) the entire tub will have been made into protein…[Read more]
Robin Miller replied to the topic October 3 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
I woke up this morning, as my husband said, totally frazzled. I can’t seem to maintain a thought in my head. However, I did get my “monthly maintenance” things done. (ran dishwasher cleaner through the dishwasher, disposal cleaner through the disposal, washing machine cleaner thru the washer and cleaned the filters on the washer and dryer…[Read more]
Robin Miller started the topic October 2 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 2 months ago
Happy Monday! (if there can be such a thing)
Today I’m catching up on all the things I didn’t do this past weekend and should’ve.
My grocery shopping is done. Found out that the the entire chain of stores is out of the only coffee my husband drinks. And it’s their store brand! My store has been sending frantic emails to corporate but corporate…[Read more]
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