
  • Beth replied to the topic November 29 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 8 months ago

    Present!  I am doing better … feeling healthy … food mostly back on track … exercise back on track … getting ready for Christmas, recovering from Thanksgiving and ready to be a Nikki -go to the gym everyday because you want a t-shirt – nag -because I care – so I hope your creeping crud has stepped aside!

  • Yup … still alive … crazy busy … graded 60 projects last weekend … lots of paperwork … but now that is DONE!

    Goals for this week … meal prep – DONE

    Workouts … zumba today … DONE …. will go to gym Wed and SAT and will walk 10000+ steps Tues, Thurs and Fri

    Ok … time for bed

  • Plan for this week ….

    Food prep yesterday and today for dinners (crockpot chicken with mushrooms last night) and turkey meatballs (with zoodles for me … spaghetti for hubby).  Lunches and breakfasts are made.  Snacks are planned.

    Exercise – walked today (arm issue kept me from Zumba) and will head to gym for elliptical tomorrow and Wed and S…[Read more]

  • Week was NUTS!  Not only did I have all of the things to do, but I hurt my arm/shoulder (not sure how) and found myself unable to raise my arm past my waist (or sleep either) for a few days.  It is doing much better now (although not completely better) but that effected my workouts (I got to the gym twice) but I made sure that I got my steps in. I…[Read more]

  • Well this week is going to be nuts … meetings every day after school so a plan is most definately necessary.  First, my hubby is away for work so I don’t have to feed him (whoo hoo) so my food will be easier.  I am prepped for breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners.  I just need to “stick to the plan”. I do have a dinner meeting tomorrow wh…[Read more]

  • Wow Nik … stress is word!  I totally agree with all above.  Take the time you need to care for yourself … fight with your insurance … let others with knowledge help you … your stress management plan is amazing and you deserve to follow your own advice.  We are all here for you … thinking about and praying for you!

  • This week my goals are as follows:

    1. Eat within my calorie/macro range according to my “plan” (and not eat more at night)
    2. Go to the gym on Wed and Sat (I already went today) and walk those extra steps the other days (including tomorrow and Tues when I have much going on .. I WILL find time to get those extra steps)
  • Answered in the other thread too but …..

    Present!  Surviving …. always a tough time of year but somehow we get through it.  I have graded 147 summer assignments, written/typed up and submitted my unit and lesson plans, run copies, made seating charts (and revised due to class changes) and actually taught my classes too!  Yup, all in 3 days (i…[Read more]

  • Present!  Surviving …. always a tough time of year but somehow we get through it.  I have graded 147 summer assignments, written/typed up and submitted my unit and lesson plans, run copies, made seating charts (and revised due to class changes) and actually taught my classes too!  Yup, all in 3 days (is it Friday yet??)

    Have been able to ho…[Read more]

  • This is it … back to school on tues …full on .. full load …. 25 mins to eat/bathroom … so my plan is to :

    Have breakfast before I leave (it will be ready so I just need to heat and eat)   Bring protein shakes for mid-morning and bring lunch.  bring a snack for after school for late days.  Go take a walk or go to the gym after school be…[Read more]

  • Prepared – yes .. READY?  No but can’t do anything about that lol.


  • Thanks for your suggestions … I am thinking I will continue with the protein shake in the am (I do use premier premade with a 1/2 scoop of click added) and will try to make it to my break, but if I can’t I will do what you suggest and sip during class … easier than snacking on something else

    Workout in the am will NOT work for me LOL … I…[Read more]

  • Yes, we actually go back on Friday of this week for meetings and then Tues the students return for regular days.

    My biggest challenge is figuring out when to eat/drink.  My schedule is different this year (I have 1 extra class so I go 3 classes without any break .. then have 25 minutes for “lunch” at 10:15.  I then have another class, a break (…[Read more]

  • My goal for this week is to ….

    1. Plan my menu for next week and purchase and prepare those items
    2. Get my work-outs in as scheduled
    3. Try the remaining recipes I picked out last week and give them a try early this week before I return to work.
  • So this week my goal was to make a plan of attack for September … my most stressful and crazy month.  I was able to work on my lesson plans and worked on scheduling the things I know about now but unfortunately my work STILL has not provided all of the dates for faculty and dept meetings, so I will most likely have to rearrange things once…[Read more]

  • My plan for this week will be to continue my menu planning and try 2 of the recipes I found this week.  I also want to get a plan together for my return to work (sept 1) and figure out when I can work out/gym etc vs after school meetings etc.  I will put this all on my calendar for Sept.  (I also have to start my lesson plans for school so that I…[Read more]

  • Well … after a few days this week feeling sick (like really sick) I am back to my old self and have looked at some recipes and ideas for breaking out of my menu rut:

    breakfast – denver omelet in a mug … will try this next week

    lunch – cottage cheese with “everything bagel” seasoning (I tried this and LOVE it!! … and I hate cottage cheese…[Read more]

  • This week’s goal will focus on menu planning and recipes.  I find myself in a bit of a “rut” and am going to research some new recipes

    1 new breakfast idea

    1 new lunch idea

    2 new dinner recipes

    2 new snack ideas

    I will try at least 1 of the above this week (if I have ingredients for more, I will try more)

  • goal for this week completed

    Mon – cardio/gym  tues gym/cardio+weights   Wed – pilates    thurs – gym/cardio  fri – pilates

    Sat – gym/cardio+weights    Sun – zumba + pilates

    met 10000 + steps 5/7 days this week

    whoo hooo!!

  • Beth replied to the topic August 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 11 months ago

    Gym “rest day” but did 2nd Pilate’s workout. Steps are down today .. Spent time catching up on some reading and paperwork today

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