Sam Lomeli

  • Blanche J replied to the topic September 26 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 12 months ago

    I finally felt as though I needed to do something for ME today!  I joined a diet bet, rejoined Weight Watcher’s and went for ab2+ mole walk!!!

    i am tired and my knees hurt, but I am determined to keep it up!!

    also found out this afternoon that my daughter is going to file for divorce.  It’s been a long road for her, but she’s done and wants t…[Read more]

  • Ok I’m back with foods:

    1. Sausage Egg McMuffin (sigh…)
    2. Chicken Schwarma
    3. I will have a protein bar in a bit
    4. I’m not sure about dinner although I’m leaning toward keeping it simple with a ramekin of cheesy meatballs.

    I will make it to Zumba tonight!!!

  • I know that drained feeling all too well! Be kind to yourself and don’t overdo!

    We’re still in recovery mode from all the stress. My husband is still employed! However, I think that he will be trying to get a transfer to the main location (about 2.5 hours from here, so the cleaning out and prepping the house to sell continues.)

    This morning, I’m…[Read more]

  • I…am a slouch.

    I’ve just been so TIRED lately. I have labs coming up but honestly I think it’s just the discomfort I experience while sleeping. I’m not sleeping well and it’s finally catching up with my body. I got all dressed yesterday to go to the gym but I felt like someone literally drained my body of all energy. I slept ok last night…[Read more]

  • Nice meal plan!

    I need to come to your house for dinner. 😉

  • Ok see that last one…LOL!

    Good plan. Now go work it!

  • You know what I call “boring goals”? HABIT BUILDING!

    That’s what you are doing. You’re building a habit of eating the proper amount of protein. So it should show up as long as you need until (and even beyond when) it feels like second nature.

    Good plan!

  • Well the McD’s sandwich is a true mystery as the fat in the sandwich theoretically should fill me up fast (any other kind of fat does in very small amounts).

    With starchy stuff, basically there are two things going on:

    1. It reduces to nothing inside your stomach, so you have room for more of it than other hard proteins which don’t reduce in…

    [Read more]

  • So here’s the wonder of a RNY pouch.

    Sausage Egg McMuffin = goes down fine,  noooooo problem.

    Protein shake = full after three sips!

    But I have a shake this morning NOT the breakfast sandwich so I consider that a win to start off my Monday. 🙂

    Today my mission is to nail down a venue for my daughter’s sweet 16. We are so behind the curve! We…[Read more]

  • Good Morning and happy Monday!

    Today is a catch up day for me after having company since Thursday and a very busy weekend. Laundry and cleaning house is my plan for today. Getting my steps and push-ups in (planks are going to have to wait until I’m not quite so sore from being bent over in the back of a pickup tossing wood out the back.).

    Meals…[Read more]

  • Still cleaning out the house. It’s finally looking like I’m making some progress!

    Food wise, I’m still working out of the freezer It’s starting to look empty.

    Exercise will be walking, of course, and working on my push-ups and planks. I’m not sure how well that will work out at the first part of the week as I’m already feeling a bit sore from…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic Sept 24 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 12 months ago

    Busy day. First church and then home to fix a nice lunch before my daughter had to head home. Then over to the house of the guy who shares my husband’s office. He had his big oak trees trimmed and we went over to get the limbs as their fireplace isn’t a wood burning one and ours is. So, we loaded all of the wood into the back of the pickup and…[Read more]

  • So I haven’t posted about it much here, but I am on a mission to improve my environment. When I say environment, I do mean my physical environment. I look around me and everything seems to be junky. I drive a crappy car. My house looks like I’m staying in an Air BnB (read: it looks like I don’t intend to stay very long). I need a HOME! And I need…[Read more]

  • Yikes! Sorry to hear that!

    I definitely understand the inconvenience of the arm thing. My right arm does the same thing from my big surgery last year. I cannot lift it but so far up and I cannot reach back with my right arm. My doctor is going to put me in PT once my reconstruction is over.

    I’m glad you made it through this week! Kudos.

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic Sept 24 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 12 months ago

    Yay for you!!!

  • My day consisted of a trip to the grocery store with my daughter and lunch downtown at my daughter in law’s favorite Mexican restaurant. It was an early birthday celebration (her birthday is Monday) I had a great time with the grand babies and had some good food. Now we’re watching TV and I think that I’m about to head to bed because I have a…[Read more]

  • Where are we???

    Today was a good day. Went to the farmers market, cleaned a LOT, worked on a small house project that’s been waiting to be done for forever. And I walked!


    • Nut snack bar
    • veggie omelet with fruit

    Not sure what we will have for dinner.

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 22 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Holy Cow! We just got back from my husband’s back injection to the news about his work.

    At the location that we’ve been consolidated with, over 100 managers have been fired. At our location, two entire departments have been fired. We’ve been told that for today, my husband’s department is okay. He cautiously thinks that some, if not all, will be…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 22 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Happy Friday!

    Today is a great day because I get to meet @dmelick66 in person today! We’re both Baltimore girls but she lives in FL. This week she’s been visiting family and so we are meeting up for coffee and chatting. 🙂

    Besides this, today is a meeting-ful day. Sigh. My team usually goes out for burgers on Friday. I usually get a burger, no…[Read more]

  • I ordered your card and thought there’d be a way to email it to you…but I think they are actually physically sending me a card. (Oy!)

    When I get it, I’ll forward to you. Congrats again!

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