Sam Lomeli

  • Grazing is mostly better. I’m walking a LOT! Did day four of the planks today and am up to three sets of 14 push-ups each. Wall push-ups as my physical therapist banned me from regular ones. Also the planks are forearm planks for the same reason. (plus my hands and wrists can’t take the pressure of regular planks/push-ups due to bone spurs and…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m running very late posting today. I went to my bariatric support group meeting today. Sometimes it’s hard to be there when I’m the only one that’s over 8 months post-op (2 years 9 months) and the only one who has had an RNY. BUT, I enjoy the counselor who runs the meeting (our discussion every month comes from Michelle May’s “Am I Hungry?”…[Read more]

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic Konica's Weekly plan in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    Work is exciting. Thankfully the tired and negative attitudes that some of my Coworkers get have not set in yet. This year I am devising a plan to combat the grumpiness. I am the Meme Master and will be sending out Fun and positive reminders and such as the time goes on. The bulk of OT (Over Time) starts next week when people actually start…[Read more]

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic September 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Thankfully it looks as if the bulk of overtime doesn’t start until next week so this week I can focus on prepping my home and fam and spending some extra time resting. We got the phone call last night that my Husbands bariatric Surgery has been approved. WOOHOO! hopefully, in the next couple of days, we will get a surgery date. I’m a little…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today is my late mother’s birthday. She passed five years ago. It’s actually not one of my “hard days.” My birthday is much harder for me than hers. Probably because my mom was very demanding about her birthday so it was a source of stress for me! But as time goes by, I focus on good memories and the legacy she left in me and my girls.

    Our 5k…[Read more]

  • Mid-week sweep!

    So far, so good. I have been keeping up with the 5k plan, even though I was feeling a little sick this week. My immune system went into stealth mode though so I’m feeling a lot better today. Still, I am going to cancel the live show tonight as I want to get one more night of rest before trying to resume full throttle…[Read more]

  • Mid-week sweep!

    You’ve been reporting back so faithfully I feel like I personally have a good idea of what’s going on with you, but would you mind recapping for our fellow FNC citizens. You’ve been doing great. 🙂

  • Mid-week sweep!

    But what I really wanna know is this. How did “breakfast cookie, take two” go? Was it better this time around?

  • Mid-week sweep!

    I feel like I have a good sense of what’s going on with you from your daily check-ins but for the benefit of our fellow FNC citizens, could you give us a recap?

    I think together we can come up with a good plan for you to adjust to this new schedule of yours. Many heads are better than one!

  • Mid-week sweep!

    I know how book club planning is going (and THANK YOU again for taking that on!), but what else is going on? Have the other things on your plan happened yet?

  • Mid-week sweep! I feel like I know how your first goal (about bedtime) is going. I know getting out of the house has been challenging. How are you feeling about that?

    I hope everything is going well. Looking forward to reading all about it!

  • This is a “sorta” mid-week sweep because some of your items aren’t due yet. I see you’ve been posting, which is great!

    How are you feeling as your work life ramps up?

  • Mid-week sweep! How is everything going? Have you been avoiding grazing? How’s the walking going? And the planks? I hope you’re doing ok!

  • So for me:

    • Finances: I don’t wanna talk about it. But I have an accounting software program called Xero for BF that I need to incorporate + I heard that Mint is a good app.
    • Schedule: my old school planner book has been working fabulously.
    • Ideas: Evernote! Seriously I need to do an Evernote training one of these days. It’s changed my life.

    [Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Kudos on the “early” bed time! I’m just so glad you’re back to posting. I really missed you.

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I think you’ve made an important observation.

    Since this is a change that’s not going away anytime soon, look at your routine and see what you can do to still be as organized as you want to be without being so stressed every day. I’d encourage you to think about “batching” things if you can. Batching is the process of taking one chunk of time to…[Read more]

  • Better than I really expected. Still stressed over my husband’s job situation but I think it will be at least next week before we hear about any more new developments.

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m a bit late posting today. I think that I’m just running behind on everything.</p>
    Steps and liquids (I really need to work on my liquids), cleaning out the home office (sometimes I feel like I will never finish) and a couple of quick errands.

    Breakfast was a power crunch protein bar

    Lunch with be deli…[Read more]

  • What do you use for organization? I am an EXTREMELY unorganized person. like VERY!

    The things I need to organize the most are:

    My Home.
    Work Projects

    In the past I have occasionaly go on “binges” where I will try and orginize evertyhing at once and then i get overwhelmed and quit. I recognise this and I am trying to…[Read more]

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