Sam Lomeli

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic September 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today I am trying to keep things a little open until I see what work is gonna be like.

    Breakfast was Eggs and toast
    Lunch protein drink
    Dinner Twice baked potatoes and leftover Cauliflower Mushroom Risotto

    I want to get to bed a little earlier than usual because tomorrow is my “Meeting day” I spend the entire day in meetings and I need to be…[Read more]

  • I’m not even sure what day it is anymore. We have officially started Launch Season aka Konica falls off the planet. From Yesterday till after the first of the year work weeks top out at 60 hours (this year may be more) per week. so I am going to be taking this easy and work myself into it. I’m going to be nicer to myself than I have in years…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Slow onset cold. That’s what I’m convinced I have. I feel tired and my mouth tastes weird and I have a sneeze, but none of it is bad enough (yet) to warrant a sick day. But I feel like it’s going to get worse. Ugh. I hate being sick!

    Not sure what’s on deck to eat today as this taste in my mouth is icky. Might be a protein day.

    5k plan says to…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    It’s official. I’m cursed. I feel a bad cold coming on. Still I went to Zumba (had a hard time keeping up but I did it!)


    • Cold Zoodle-sketti salad
    • a lunchmeat roll up
    • a power crunch bar

    and I am about to take some Tylenol cold and say goodnight cuz my face hurts!

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Stress is definitely starting to take a toll on my husband and I. He’s eating too much and everything I eat or drink makes me feel sick to my stomach. Where I used to get about five hours of sleep a night, in the last two weeks it’s dropped to three. If his work would just tell us what’s going on, I could handle whatever it is. It’s the not…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today re-affirmed for me why I usually start the daily post way early in the morning. This was the longest trek to my computer EVER! But it was for good reason. I got my wig done. It needed it! Girlfriend was about to walk right off my head in protest.

    Anyhoo…the 5k plan says today we cross-train! 20-30 minutes. I plan to go to Zumba tonight,…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I heart long posts. Especially ones as good as yours! Love everything you said.


  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Yikes! Food poisoning is no fun at all. I’m so glad you’re feeling better.

    And great news about your injury! Now you can ease back into it without pain. That’s great news indeed.

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I was just thinking about 9/11 myself this morning.

    Today’s a repeat of last week’s days. I’m still working on cleaning out the home office. I was obviously being extremely optimistic to think I was going to finish it in a week.

    Walking, push-ups and planks are on the schedule.

    Heading to my local library to renew my card. Being in the process…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    First things first. I pause to remember the innocent men and women who lost their lives this day 16 years ago. I can’t believe it’s been that long.

    Today is looking like a typical Monday. Our 5k plan says to walk 20 minutes so I shall on my lunch break. It’ll be more like 2.5 miles though. 😊

    My OAC board meeting was cancelled tonight (staff are…[Read more]

  • I kinda like this process of sitting down with my planner book. It feels more concrete to me than an online calendar. Don’t ask me why. Anyway, my plan is sort of half-assed this week as I didn’t prep any meals today. I just needed a mental break. So I unplugged for the better part of the weekend and binge-watched Netflix. It’s what I needed to…[Read more]

  • End of week report back:

    • Monday. 5k training happened.
    • Tuesday: 5k cross training did not happen!
    • Wednesday: 5k walking happened but not all at once like I planned. Still, I walked.
    • Thursday: Ugh. That was a trying day. BF live didn’t go well. So I’m glad that it was a rest day so I could just go home and go to bed.
    • Friday: Cross…

    [Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic KP's week of 9/2 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    Awesome! The plan isn’t required. But nobody in the FNC is officially doing the 5k until everyone who needs to do the training does it cuz #NoFoodieLeftBehind.

    So if the training plan isn’t doing it for you, that’s fine! Just make sure you’re prepped in your own way and ready to go when it’s time.

    Great report-back! Onward!

  • Where to start, where to start?

    Walking, of course. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t walk! I started push-ups at the end of last week and will continue adding one to each set until I reach 25. Starting on the plank challenge Monday morning.

    Continuing to work on not grazing my way through the day. I was doing well with that until Saturday when…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    It’s a gorgeous day in central Texas, also! Sunny and actually not too hot!

    Today’s been a lazy one. Church, lunch out and a nap!

    Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake (running late for church)

    Lunch was a beef tostada without the crunchy tortilla (think mini taco salad)

    Dinner will be leftovers

    Bedtime snack – I don’t know yet

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Happy Sunday! If you’ve been ding the 5k training, week one is officially in the books! Five more to go. Today is a rest day.

    Except I’m not resting. I loaded yesterday (after doing my walking and my cross training I didn’t do on Friday) so today I’ll clean, but food and hopefully prep some food for next week. I’m also gonna do my planner book…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 8 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    My nutritionist wants me to eat between 1300-1500 calories and have my carbs at around 100 grams. 50% of every meal is supposed to be protein. That’s all the guidance I have received. I have problems with getting above 1,000 calories most days which I know isn’t enough for how much I walk.

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better, Nikki!

    I’m having one of those mornings. In the wee hours, the lady that lives behind us let her dog(s) out. She turned on her backyard flood lights. Which woke up our dog who decided going out was a GREAT idea. Usually she wakes up my husband (he of the middle of the night Milkbones) but apparently this time it…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m alive!

    Thats saying a lot after the past two days of cramps so bad they felt like contractions. I had to take prescription pain meds to get a handle on it (I was given them by my doc and told only to take for pain level 8 or higher.)

    It took the edge off but I was still uncomfortable all night and now I’m groggy. But this morning I feel way…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 8 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    The cramps finally hit and they were BAD. Had to take prescription pain meds to get a handle on it. Did not do my cross training but today is my long gym day so I will do it today.

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