Sam Lomeli

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 8 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Same ol’ stuff.

    Rumors are as flying all around my husband’s work. The one that’s really picking up steam is about the layoffs on the 19th. Targeting the longer term employees who still have the pension plan. Of which my husband is one. Cut the employees that will cost the company down the road (and happen to have the bigger paychecks) and then…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 8 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Good morning, friends.

    My day today it’s going to be pretty hectic with all the hurricane stuff going on, but I did want to get the thread started.

    Our 5K plans as today is a cross training day, and to do 20 to 30 minutes of exercise other than walking.

    As of right now, my plan is to do a 7 pm Zumba class. Not sure about eats as I’m still not…[Read more]

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    OK, so today was today. I got my migraine under control super fast (Woohoo Score one for the Daith Piercing) I got kids off to school ready for picture day with money and cold lunches in hand… other than I did have to run one kid out his lunch in my bare feet. I napped. then I went to work.

    You all are gonna be SICK of hearing about Launch…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago


    Was the most RIVETING daily check-in I have read yet.


    Seriously, though. You have a lot going on. One part I can personally relate to is not having much of a life. Folks think I do because I’m always on the internet. But that’s because…I’m always on the internet.

    Granted, I do have to work a lot to make ends meet. (One income…[Read more]

  • Slowly, very slowly! However I discovered all the boxes that I was dreading going through are full of my mom’s cookbooks. I’m going to hold off on going through them and let my kids go through and pick out what they want.

    Meals have definitely been on the quick and easy side, but I have also managed to keep them healthy.

    I’m getting in too many…[Read more]

    1. I was going to say not well at all, but that’s not exactly true. So far, 5 of the boxes I’ve gotten to are packed with my Mom’s cookbooks. I’m going to let my kids go through them (all but my oldest who’s in Boston. I’ll go through them and pick out any vegetarian ones for her).  Afterwards, I’ll donate the rest to the local charity store. I…

    [Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic Sarah's plan 9/3 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    Mid-week sweep!

    Ok not to sound funny but since you and I both already know you are executing your plan, after you confirm that…

    Please speak more on these savory breakfast cookies…

  • Mid-week sweep!

    You’ve been quieter this week, which I assume means you are back in full grind mode. I’m rooting for you from over here? Can you see me with my cheerleader outfit on? (No…don’t be scared…it’s ok…)

    Anyway…how are things going so far? Are you finding you have enough time to get in your meals as you wanted to?  Have the…[Read more]

  • No mid-week sweep for you. Just hugs and waiting to hear that everything went as planned!

    Take care of yourself. You are important to us!

  • Mid-week sweep!

    • 5k training has been coming along. This week tried to throw me some loops. I (gasp!) did cross training at home. I don’t like it.
    • Chicken salad did not happen #TheSad but magically lunch happened without any effort on my part so…that’s not nothing.
    • I’ve been super tired this week, I think because school has started and I…

    [Read more]

  • Judging by the number of exclamation points that have been in your check-ins this week (I use them too!!!) I think this has been a good week for you, yes?

    Still…mid-week sweep! How’s it all going?

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic KP's week of 9/2 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    I feel like you’ve been a social butterfly this week and have been so busy. But that’s a good thing…

    Mid-week sweep!

    How’s it going? You checking items off this list?

  • Mid-week sweep! I see you’ve been doing #2. How are the rest going? You on track?

  • Mid-week sweep!

    I feel like I know the status of everything except the home office. How’s that coming along?

  • MWAH! (That’s me giving you a virtual kiss!)

    Thank you. Sounds like you’re on the right track. Keep moving forward!

  • I’m pretty much  diving in head first. I think that I will start at the door and try to work my way around the room. However, that’s very much subject to change!

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  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Glad to see you reporting in again. I know I said that already!

    I remember when we last spoke at length you were having some medical symptoms you were trying to get to the bottom of. Did you ever get any answers?

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    imfighting off a migrane… No pain yet but auras for sure. Probibly because I didnt eat dinner las night but might be stress. I dont have time for this…

    Breakfst -shake
    Lunch – tacos
    Dinner- I dont remember…

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m sorry you’re feeling so lousy!😢

    Today, so far, has started well for me. We’ve had a cold front come through that dropped our temperature from 98 on Tuesday to 78 yesterday. We woke up to 53 degrees this morning!

    I could really just cut and paste my days in here. Cleaning out the house, steps and liquids.

    I am working on the self assessment…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 7 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    First week of September in the BOOKS!

    Our 5k plan says we rest today so…we rest!

    I have a super busy day and if my body follows its regular cycle (monthly) I should be experiencing very painful cramps and nausea all day. Nausea already on deck. Waiting for cramps to show up for the party. Thank goodness Extra Strength Tylenol does seem to…[Read more]

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