
  • @thinkhealthy you and I will be laid up together. My surgery is December 14. Sorry things have been so hectic for you!

  • I ate too fast. Ate too much. Now I want to die!!!

    (Not really, but it feels awful.)

    Otherwise, I’m ok today. Fighting a cold. I have eaten crappily today. Egg McMuffin for breakfast. A wrap w/ fries for lunch. Now I feel miserable. That’s exactly what I get!

    Dinner will be nothing. With a side of nothing. With nothing on top!

    I did go for a…[Read more]

  • Ok, ok I’m still alive @nikki-massie!!! Life for me for at least the last month has been more than crazy and stressful. My mother-in-law’s 2 surgeries, finding out the problem with the atrophy in my right hand and that it cannot be reversed but surgery will stop the progression, surgery scheduled for December 20 (yeah, right before Christmas),…[Read more]

  • Today was a not so good day. For some unknown reason, all my joints are aching and I didn’t sleep well last night. So I’m tired and I hurt. 😣

    I didn’t get any packing on the house done, hopefully I can get some done tomorrow.

    I did, however, get some stuff done that needed to be done. Like pay and mail the bills. I ended up having to go buy…[Read more]

  • Ok I can be accused of letting self-doubt get the better of me and I started avoiding this site like the plague because the lack of activity, frankly, makes me feel like a failure. Well…enough of that. I started this site because I wanted a place dedicated to accountability, which includes holding MYSELF accountable. So here I am. And I am…[Read more]

  • I’m very proud of you for joining Good Measures! I hope it’s helpful to you.

    My commitment this week is to get back to using this site. I think I got bummed that there wasn’t much activity and started to practice avoidance but I think I’m over that. I’m ok with whoever chooses to use or not use it. If it is just you and I in here, I couldn’t ask…[Read more]

  • @robin-miller I feel like I have failed you! So sorry I haven’t logged in. My job has been NUTS lately. I think it will start to calm down and if it doesn’t…well…I’ll be out after December 13 for my surgery anyway!


  • @robin-miller I feel like I have failed you! So sorry I haven’t logged in. My job has been NUTS lately. I think it will start to calm down and if it doesn’t…well…I’ll be out after December 13 for my surgery anyway!


  • Last week was nuts and I didn’t ever check in, but hopefully, I’m back on track now!

    I just got through joining Good Measures and am waiting to find out what happens next. I assume that some time in the next couple of days, I’ll hear from them.

    Today is my catch up on the house day. Things got away from me last week.(not that I actually had hold…[Read more]

  • This week will be a interesting one. Hopefully we’ll hear back from my husband’s job interview this week, it although could be next week.

    My plans are to try to get my closet cleaned out and move on from there.

    Meal-wise, I’m struggling. A lot. So, I think come tomorrow morning I’m going to join Good Measures. I have to do something to turn…[Read more]

  • I’ve been a bit hit and miss checking in this week. I’ll try to do better.

    I don’t even know what to say. Life is changing around here and it’s hard to keep up. My husband has an interview with the other location in Greenville on Tuesday. If he gets a position there, it sounds like they’re going to want him to start before the first of the year.…[Read more]

  • Monday! Let’s get this party started.

    So firstly, I did not get everything done that I wanted to this weekend. Sigh. And in reality it was laziness. I just didn’t feel like it. So I’m going to break stuff up into smaller pieces. I need to start prepping the house for the holidays. I’ve got yard stuff. Dog stuff. It’s a lot!

    For today, I’m going…[Read more]

  • Preparation and organization. Those will be my theme words for the remainder of the year!

    Food prep this week:  as I type this, I am sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store. I’m going to go get fixings to make crockpot mushroom chicken and I’ll serve it over cauliflower rice and that will be my lunches for this week. Later today I’ll…[Read more]

  • I posted here earlier, but it seems to have disappeared!

    Today started out really crappy. I went to run a short errand that should’ve taken a 15 minutes but ended up taking hours as my car battery decided to die on me.

    But the rest of the day has turned out okay. My husband is fixing dinner so things are definitely looking up!

    Breakfast was a…[Read more]

  • I will be continuing to clean out the house and will start packing up some stuff. Like the inside of the China cabinet.

    I’m also going to continue to do dinner planning. That worked well last week. I will also start planning lunches.

  • Today was a pretty chill day. Went to Trader Joe’s to get riced cauliflower stuffing (see video on BF Facebook page), came home, putzed around the house and now am waiting on dinner to cook while watching a movie with the kid.

    B: a slice of toast + 2 fried eggs

    L: Uhhhh…I guess it was riced cauliflower stuffing with sausage

    D: Will be…[Read more]

  • Yesterday was AWESOME! I took the train to DC, spent all day wandering around the museum. It was just so wonderful. A lot of things that were hard to look at/hear but still a good trip.

    Food was sketchy.

    I had a breakfast sandwich for breakfast

    A slice of pizza for lunch

    And I had the insides of a gyro for dinner.

    I walked a lot but I haven’t…[Read more]

  • Today is still overcast and cold. While I hate to get out, since I didn’t go to the grocery store yesterday like I was going to, I have to go today.

    Today will mainly be a day of catching up with my house work. Definitely not my favorite thing!

    Breakfast was a hot protein shake

    Lunch will be leftover roasted chicken and veggies

    Dinner will be…[Read more]

  • Today is FIELD TRIP DAY!

    Im going to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in DC. And all by myself too. That’s a big deal because I’m an extrovert. I never do stuff by myself lol.

    I’m taking the commuter train down there and public transport to get to the museum. I’ll treat myself to a light breakfast at Union Station…[Read more]

  • Here’s how food shook out for me:

    -breakfast sandwich

    -green salad w/seafood

    -a few bites of mashed cauliflower w/added protein

    -a handful of pretzels

    I thought I ate a lot today but typing it out, maybe not so much…

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