Maria A

  • Maria A replied to the topic December 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 10 months ago

    First and foremost, wishing @nikki-massie a speedy recovery after her surgery yesterday!!! You are in my thoughts!!

    To put it bluntly, I have been a total bitch lately (please excuse my language). Telling people what’s on my mind and am at the point where I am sick of always doing for others and neglecting me and I am actually telling them…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic December 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 10 months ago

    Robin, no apologies since many of us have dropped the ball (so to speak) and haven’t been active in posting. Wishing you all the best during this transition period and stop yourself when you feel overwhelmed and take several deep breaths very slowly in and out to help release some of your tension.

  • Maria A replied to the topic December 6 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 10 months ago

    Hey @nikki-massie!!! I miss all of you too!! Today we arrived in NOLA. Was hoping the weather would be better than Upstate New York, but for the whole time we are here, it’s going to be in the 40’s and 30’s and for the most part rainy. Oh well, we’ll have a great time anyway!! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do as much food planning since we’ll…[Read more]

  • Maria A started the topic December 1 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 10 months ago

    Wow!!!! December already!!! Lists, lists and more lists have been my morning so far. It’s kinda freaking me out how organized I’ve been lately. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop though. My lists give me a sense of control and helps to feel a little less stressed.

    Anyway, my food list for the day is not planned, which I know isn’t a good…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic November 30 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Robin!!! Also want to wish you lots of luck with all your job/moving issues!!!

  • Ok, ok I’m still alive @nikki-massie!!! Life for me for at least the last month has been more than crazy and stressful. My mother-in-law’s 2 surgeries, finding out the problem with the atrophy in my right hand and that it cannot be reversed but surgery will stop the progression, surgery scheduled for December 20 (yeah, right before Christmas),…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic November 8th in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 11 months ago

    Ok, it’s been a sh** week for me. First, I finally have a diagnosis why my right hand is extremely weak and a significant amount of atrophy in the muscle (ongoing for many years progressively getting worse). The clinical term for it is cubital tunnel syndrome, which means the nerves in my elbow are being “pinched” . Ok, I thought great, now what…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic November 1 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 11 months ago

    This post is quite lengthy and I don’t expect everyone to read it all the way through. I also realize my problems are insignificant to those with much larger ones. However, I need to vent and this is something I need to do this for myself!!

    Recap of last couple of months. Began watching my grandson everyday after school and it’s been quite a few…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 23rd in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Stress, stress, stress and more stress is the word for today. Up and going at 3:30 a.m. this morning to bring my mother-in-law in for her surgery (she had to be there by 5:45 a.m.). In the waiting room from 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. when the surgeon came out to let us know how she made out. I am ecstatic as the surgeon said everything went…[Read more]

  • Not really sure how to plan for this week since there are so many variables and too much uncertainty. The last couple of days have been rough. Yesterday we came home from our trip to North Carolina, soo a 3:30 a.m. wake up to get to the airport for a 7 a.m. flight, 2 1/2 hour ride after that to actually be home, pick up our 112 lb “baby” from my…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today I took a “me” day. My grandson was off school today but he went to his other grandparents house. I went to the chiropractor this morning and then went and got my hair cut and colored. The rest of the day did some laundry, some food prep for the rest of the week and cooked dinner.

    Breakfast –  a couple of slices of turkey breast

    Lunch -…[Read more]

  • This week I don’t have a lot of appointments. Today was a “me” day, the rest of the week picking up my grandson at 1 pm everyday and I will be taking my mother-in-law to the vascular surgeon on Wednesday to find out what her options are regarding her aortic aneurysm. My goal this week is to try and keep my stress level low (but it probably won’t…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I agree with @robin-miller!! Although I like to have control over any situation where planning and executing is involved (the old thought that I am the only one to do it right or the guilt of bothering people when they have their own busy life to take care of) I have had to let go of this thinking and let others help out. I still have those times,…[Read more]

  • Actually my nutritionist appointment is tomorrow afternoon, but will keep you posted. I’ve been able to make some time for me, but not nearly enough. As far as my meals, well I planned BUT didn’t totally follow everything. It got warm this week and the warm oatmeal and soup didn’t seem quite as appetizing, unfortunately giving into not so good…[Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 3 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Life seems to have gotten really hectic since I have a set afternoon schedule everyday. Yesterday was such a sad day between the Las Vegas incident and the death of a wonderful musician. Also, a personal situation has been laying heavy on me which only exacerbates my stress level. My mother-in-law has had an abdominal aneurysm for many years now…[Read more]

  • I have several appointments this week plus picking up my grandson at 1 pm everyday. Today I have a chiropractor appointment in a little while. Wednesday I am taking my mother-in-law to the eye doctor in the morning. Thursday I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in the morning. Friday I am meeting with my nutritionist in the afternoon to help…[Read more]

  • Ok, just went through the protein guide and here are a few of my suggested edits:

    • Page 11 section “Complete vs. Incomplete Proteins” 1st sentence – delete space before the word “Remember”.
    • Page 18 under “Advantages” 3rd bullet down after “hungry” word should be “OR” not “OF”
    • Page 20 1st bullet a period is needed at the end of the sentence

    [Read more]

  • As proofreading was a major part of my job, I may be able to help. Any edits I will post here (read messages above).

  • This is so inspiring and beautiful!!! Thanks Nikki!!

  • Maria A replied to the topic September 28 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Why is it that the smallest things can bring you much joy??? I’m a lover of flavored coffees and I use a Keurig at home. Do you know how hard it is to find k-cups with a variety of flavors in decaf??? I finally came across a site that had a big selection in decaf flavored coffees, BUT not in k-cups (ground bags). I took a chance to try some and…[Read more]

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