Susan Sheipe

  • The word that comes to mind for me is persevere.  I have several projects started here that I haven’t been working on.  Mainly because I wasn’t feeling great, but I really need to persevere and complete them.  If I’m being honest with myself, I can push through and do more.

    I also need to persevere with my weight loss, so I can get my knee rep…[Read more]

  • Susan Sheipe replied to the topic October 24 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, and no matter how much I tell myself to relax, or that it doesn’t matter, my body says otherwise. I totally get it. I hope you find relief soon.

  • Susan Sheipe replied to the topic October 24 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 9 months ago

    I’ve tried different meds for depression/anxiety, with various results.  From talking to other people, I’ve heard what works for one person doesn’t work for another.  I tried Zoloft 3 years ago, and i gained about 25 lbs, so I went off it. Earlier this year, I tried Celexa and felt ok as far as depression/anxiety, but had bad headaches every d…[Read more]

  • That is so inspirational. It’s very easy to wallow in grief and self pity.  Good for her.  And thanks for sharing her story!

  • Susan Sheipe replied to the topic October 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 9 months ago

    I finally finished removing the wallpaper in my dining room. My sister-in-law is coming for a visit tomorrow, so it pushed me to finish, since it’s the first time she’ll see my home.

    Had a phone conversation with a therapist today, and she’s hooking me up with some people who will help me with my anxiety issues.  Very timely since my anxiet…[Read more]

  • Just reread my post.  Didn’t do so well.  I got to bed by 2 a couple of nights, but didn’t fall asleep until 4 am this morning.  Tonight is the night I need to go to bed early, so I’m not sure how well that’s going to go.

    i managed more fluids almost every day, but only reached 60 on 2 days.

    I didn’t get much done in the house.  One of my c…[Read more]

  • Today is my two year anniversary since adopting my kitties…my reason for living 😊. I don’t know what I’d do without them. Just wish they were a bit healthier.

    Took Brinley to the vet this morning for another respiratory infection, and she said she might also have kitty herpes.  So another shot, and a bill for $163.  I’m going to try to get som…[Read more]

  • Wishing you the very best luck on the removal, and hopeful that it won’t lead to more regain.  You’re very committed to your exercise routine, so that should help.  I’ll say a prayer for you.

  • My plan this week is to do some home improvement work every day.  Right now, that’s mostly removing wall paper. If it cools down, I’ll go outside and cut boards for my craft room closet.

    My goal is to be in bed by 10:00 on Sunday.  I have to take Scott for an endoscopy on Monday, and will need to be up at 5:30 am. Since I normally go to bed aroun…[Read more]

  • I drove yesterday!  Woo hoo!  My spinning head and shakiness are improving slightly every day, so I was able to drive to the nursery in the country, and buy some mums.  Still not comfortable driving in heavy traffic, but it feels so good to get in a car and go.

    Scott came over again today to help me move some furniture and cat stands to better pl…[Read more]

  • I finished the assessment on Friday, and started working on my goals, one of which was to work on my closet shelving project a little each day.  I realized some of the things I need for that are in my craft room, which I couldn’t even walk into.  So, on Sunday evening, I did some very deep thinking about what I really need and don’t need in my l…[Read more]

  • Congrats, Bev!

  • I’m feeling slightly less dizzy today, so I just put a load of laundry in the washer.

    My “mental health” goal is to do something on my master bedroom closet every day.  I took the shelving out in April or May, and ordered a new shelving system.  It’s been sitting in my hallway for the last 4 or 5 months.  Since it’s stressing me, my goal is to ge…[Read more]

  • Thursday night I got to bed a little after 2:00 am.  As for Friday night, it is now 6:24 am on Saturday, and I haven’t been to bed yet.  Oh, well.

    Didnt get out today, not even for mail.  Not comfortable walking down my steps right now.  Maybe tomorrow (today?).  Still thinking on Friday time, but it already is tomorrow😄

    Had about 50 ounces to d…[Read more]

  • Wow!  That sucks. Hopefully you can get some insurance help. Your stress plan sounds good. Wishing the best!

  • I was planning on going to Starbucks yesterday, but was too dizzy to drive.  So I didn’t get out at all.  Unfortunately I went to bed at 6:20 am this morning, and the cats woke me up after 5 hours, chasing a fly.  So, I’m kinda tired today.

    Still dizzy and dopey, so Scott picked me up and took me shopping today.  Had to walk a bit slowly, but at…[Read more]

  • Hope you feel better soon Nikki.  I really need to get out of the house, so I think I’m going to make a quick run to Starbucks.  Heard they have a maple pecan latte now.  Won’t be too bad as long as I get nonfat milk.

    breakfast was a premier protein drink

    lunch is a slice of rye bread with 2 slices of cheese

    Nonfat latte for a snack

    dinner wi…[Read more]

  • I had an appointment with my eye Dr today, so I got out of the house.  Last month when I was at the YWM conference in NOLA, my left eye started flashing light really bad (on Saturday). I wasn’t very concerned since my right eye has been doing that off and on for more than a year.  It has something to do with the vitreous in my eye pulling away.  …[Read more]

  • So far this week:  Sunday got to bed at 3:02, Monday at 5:07 (not so good)

    drinking: Sunday about 45 ounces, Monday 56 ounces

    Scott took me to lunch Monday, went to eye Dr today, so good on going out so far.  However, I’m really dopey and dizzy today because I’m weaning off of my paxil, so tomorrow might just be fetching the mail

    about 1/2 d…[Read more]

  • Had lunch today with my nephew and his wife, who are visiting from Utah.  It was so great to see them!  Pretty shaky and dopey today, so will be resting at home for the rest of the day.

    breakfast: premier protein

    lunch: 1 1/2 slices dry toast, 2 poached eggs (didn’t quite finish it)

    dinner will be salad from Walmart

    having a nonfat pumpkin s…[Read more]

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