
  • Nothing really. My digestive system has been in an uproar since we went to Baytown last weekend. I stuck to my eating plan (much better than I had hoped) and was able to get through the weekend without eating anything off my plan. I have no idea what’s causing this. However, my entire system has been off this week. I’ve had severe pain issues and…[Read more]

  • I think my body is starting to turn on me. (Starting???)

    I woke up with a stiff neck and shooting pains in my jaw and forehead. I’m just really sick of feeling crappy!

    I am going to take this as a sign that I need to do better with taking care of myself. So far all I’ve had today is a slice of wheat bread w/ peanut butter. I do need to go get…[Read more]

  • Not a lot happening today. I need to return some flooring samples back to the design center. I’m prepping lunches for my husband for the week. Things are starting to happen at his work. One on one interviews are starting. We hear that things are moving slowly and we probably won’t hear anything about what’s going on with a new position until…[Read more]

  • So. Party’s over. (Literally)

    I have a few priorities this week. I think I’m going to start following that format in the self-assessment for things I want to be held accountable to, so:

    • Eating/drinking: I need to go grocery shopping! My lack of groceries has led to me eating out way too much. I don’t like it. Not only because it’s not healthy…

    [Read more]

  • Ok so I’ve been out of the loop. I’m so sorry!

    What’s been going on with your eating?


    OMG. It was a long day. A tiring day. But a good day.

    My baby girl had such fun with her friends. Not all the family she invited (and who RSVP’d) showed up, but you know what? That’s life. We still had fun.

    But I feel safe saying this here.


    My anxiety leading up to it was off the chain, but then once…[Read more]

  • Yes…I get that feeling! I’m going to post in the Facebook group to remind folks that the forum is here! (That’s one of the reasons why I was initially hesitant to start a FB group. I thought it might kill the forums. I guess now I know my sense about that was probably right.)

    As for me, Saturday was one of those days where I mostly vegged. I…[Read more]

  • You are so committed, Robin!

    Yesterday was a great day for me. I went to church and we had a beautiful Reformation Sunday service. Afterward my church did Oktoberfest and I had a brat (no bun), sauerkraut and a little potato salad. From there, I basically hung out at home until it was time to take my daughter back to campus. The weather was super…[Read more]

  • Today has been a somewhat lazy day for me. I slept in just a touch and my husband and I have just sat and talked. We get so caught up with life that we don’t do this nearly often enough. Now, I’m about to go give him a haircut and later he’s talking about going out to dinner. He says we (me) need to get out and into the sunshine. He’s probably…[Read more]

  • Getting the front bedrooms cleaned out so we can get a window replaced.

    Getting my eating back on track

    Steps and liquids

    Trying to get to bed earlier. Not that I’m going to bed late now, but maybe earlier will help. Then again, it may just give me more time to toss and turn.

  • I have to admit, it’s starting to feel a little lonesome in the forum!

    Today we’ve settled on all the flooring and almost the carpet (there’s one carpet color my husband wants me to see before we finalize that) and all the paint colors. WOOHOO!! Progress!

    We are both feeling very tired these days. Today, I feel like I’m slogging through thick…[Read more]

  • This has been a very long week and while I’d like to say it’s over, the weekend looks to be just as long!

    Finishing up picking out the new floors for most of the house. Now, a decision on carpet and we’ll finally be able to move forward on the rest. Paying bills and picking up something to cook in the oven. We’ve gone from a high of 84 yesterday…[Read more]

  • Slow day for me today. Errands are run, laundry is in process and dinner is already fixed. (confession time… When I was at the grocery store I bought a Mexican grilled chicken meal. It always make my husband happy and I don’t have to cook!) Fluids are half done and so are my steps.

    Breakfast was an Unjury shake

    Lunch was a shrimp cocktail with…[Read more]

  • Ok so your post was spooky because it’s EXACTLY what I’m experiencing. Things that would not have stressed me out before do now. Things that would have only been slightly stressful before are off the charts. Most days I want to hide in bed but unfortunately my job isn’t having that.

    It’s a hard thing to explain to people and even though you…[Read more]

  • Good Morning!

    My dog got me up before the alarm went off and I felt like there was really no point in going back to bed. It’s paid off for my husband though. He’s got really nice lunches made for the rest of the week. And I have a sink full of pots, pans and cooking utensils to wash. But I have to admit, 5:30 AM is a very peaceful time to…[Read more]

  • I’m home again (YAY!) but am very tired and hurting from the bed we slept in for two nights and riding in the car for most of two days. I only got my liquids in on one of the three days (riding in the car and drinking lots of liquids don’t really mix well). So today I’m really concentrating on drinking lots and lots. I have my steps done (planning…[Read more]

  • Today is an anxious day. No idea why. Just is. I hate this feeling! I see my doctor on Friday. I have a therapist. Between the two of them I’ll see if they think I should be on anti-anxiety meds. Does anyone have any experience with those? @susan I’m not sure if you said you’d taken them before. I’m just wondering what they make you feel like. I…[Read more]

  • I’m sending you calming vibes, Maria. I know what that overwhelming stress can feel like. (((((HUGS)))))

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 23rd in the forum Daily Check-Ins 6 years, 12 months ago

    Stress, stress, stress and more stress is the word for today. Up and going at 3:30 a.m. this morning to bring my mother-in-law in for her surgery (she had to be there by 5:45 a.m.). In the waiting room from 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. when the surgeon came out to let us know how she made out. I am ecstatic as the surgeon said everything went…[Read more]

  • Not really sure how to plan for this week since there are so many variables and too much uncertainty. The last couple of days have been rough. Yesterday we came home from our trip to North Carolina, soo a 3:30 a.m. wake up to get to the airport for a 7 a.m. flight, 2 1/2 hour ride after that to actually be home, pick up our 112 lb “baby” from my…[Read more]

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