Sam Lomeli

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago


    You just made my day. Heck…my whole week. <3

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m a bit brain dead today and can’t think. So, I’ve run errands, including getting a new fitbit so I can put my old one out of my misery! Cleaning out the office (all week), finishing up the laundry. Walking (I know that this is a cross training day, but I’m a walker)

    Breakfast was a Premier Protein water

    Snack before walking into the grocery…[Read more]

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I think I have finally narrowed in on why Tuesdays have so much potential but they end up sucking. It’s the Cleaning Lady. I can’t stand the cleaning lady. Im gonna have to learn how to stand the cleaning lady becuase she is not there for me but she adds SO much stress to my monday night/ tuesday morning.

    Today I have already been up and to the…[Read more]

  • My days are officially running together.

    This week my goals are to
    1) make it through new product launches with both my sanity and my confidence in tact (this is going to be an ongoing one for the next few weeks)
    2) Post on the FNC Daily 9 AM and 10 PM
    3) Figure out a new plan for the 5K training. The smoke from Montana, Washington, Colorado,…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the Book info. I’m gonna check it out!

  • I love that so many are taking time on the self-evaluation. What kinds of things are you cooking at home? are you cooking for just you?

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m so glad you double checked before starting the training!

    Welp…I hereby nominate you as the CMO (chief motivating officer). Should you accept this duty, you’d be helping us all stay the course on this thing and acting ridiculously proud of every little thing that we do. (aka Channeling your “Inner Nik”)

    Of course you are free to decline…[Read more]

  • I didn’t make it yesterday so today will be McD’s salad but I have the stuff to make it tonight. I think I’m gonna go with my Power Chicken Salad.

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic KP's week of 9/2 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    Woohoo for road trips! I Understand the work stress! do you have ideas for stress relief while at work? What kind of work do you do? are you at a desk all day? One big thing I have found that helps is on my breaks and my lunch I Walk AWAY! I go outside, I face the sun and I Breath. I have also found that hugging a tree helps. I know it sounds…[Read more]

  • Good Luck with everything @sueo. Sounds like you have a good solid plan!

  • Kspot42 replied to the topic Beth's week 9/3-9/10 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    @beffietheteach Good luck with Back to School! Forgive and Be Curious is the best way to attack screw-up! I saw something one day that said “Failure is proof of trying” I don’t like the word failure in there so I try to remember “Screw-ups are proof that I’m doing something” Please share your Crock Pot Recipe! My family is not big on chicken but I…[Read more]

  • @robin-miller I’m right there with you with the home office. Mine is terrifying some days. Good luck with your cleaning and organizing. Do you have a plan of attack or just gonna dive in head first?

  • What kind of Chicken Salad (I know you said yet to be determined but are you talking about chicken and greens or like Chicken Salad sandwich type stuff)? Figuring out how to make things that I will (a) want to eat more than once or twice. and (b) last longer than a day or two. I love your plan for the 5K. I’ve had a plan however that now much…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 4 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago


  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I see you there with the gluten-free toast. Good for you for kicking wheat out of your life again!

    I’m glad you were able to do the bike, but take it at your own level, always. I’m glad we are doing this. I’m motivated!

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m not doing a formal 5k. I’m just going to map out a route and walk it! The details about how to do the 5k are forthcoming but you don’t have to sign up for a formal 5k if you don’t want to. But if that’s fun for you, you definitely should!

    I was thinking there’s a few of us close enough to meet up maybe? I dunno…whaddya think? 😉

  • Nikki Massie started the topic September 5 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Back to school, back to reality. Sigh.

    If you are following the 5k plan today is a cross train day. That means you do some other form of excercise besides walking! Our plan says 20-30 minutes.

    I’m gonna hit the Y late tonight as I have an evening meeting. I will so the elliptical and rowing machines. So far, my planner book is working well to…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic Sarah's plan 9/3 in the forum Weekly Action Plans 7 years ago

    Did you get some vacay planning done this weekend? I think you must have as it’s not on your plan anymore!

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 4 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I had a good day! I got my walking done. Everything I ate was sooo yummy too.

    For breakfast I had an omelet with spinach, tomatoes and onions.

    For lunch I had a PB&J quesadilla on half a high fiber tortilla.

    For snack I had a lunch meat roll up.

    And for dinner I had Cajun sausage and peppers.

    I also prepped some spicy breakfast burritos for…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic September 4 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Yep! That definitely counts as your 5k walking! 🙂

    Sorry they screwed up. Hopefully they’ll make it ridiculously easy for you to reschedule.

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