I would start where you are with today and continue forward. If you feel like it and have the time you can always backtrack a day or two. But the most important thing I think you should do is be as kind and gentle with yourself as you would be with one of us….you deserve it!!
I would also like to point out that the 31-Day Journaling Challenge is totally going in the Workshops section when it concludes. That way members who didn’t do it this go round can try it if they want and it’ll be available for new members.
So that is to say this won’t go POOF at the end. It’ll be around and you can make-up the entries you missed, if you want to.
Start from today. Don’t worry about getting the previous ones done. You can always go back later and do them. Or not. But DO NOT let the previous days become a thing that hangs over you causing stress and worry. The world’s not going to stop revolving if you never do them! I learned a long time ago that I’m never going to be perfect and I will never be able to do everything perfectly. Neither can you. And that’s okay. That’s what makes us… US! Enjoy the journaling.