
  • Nikki Massie started the topic October 16 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago


    And I slept well. Unfortunately my body was so starved for good sleep that this resulted in me oversleeping and I had to hustle to get the kid dropped to school on time. Bah! But I feel very energetic.

    Today is the start of a busy week. It’s very meeting-ful. I don’t like meeting-ful weeks. It just feels like I am going…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    We ended up having a really good dinner. We had DIY burrito bowls. It was so easy too! The only thing I really had to “cook” was the chicken breast. I also made salsa from my garden tomatoes. Sigh. That is the epitome of life satisfaction for me: making things from food I grew myself.

  • This week (on Monday) my oldest baby turns 37. How did she get so old? How did I get so old?!

    I’m going to try prepping as many of my breakfasts and lunches as I can. This is a new thing for me. I have my breakfasts done already. I made scotch eggs. Lunches may not be prepped until Monday as I have my husband’s lunches to do today. For me, I’m…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic October 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today’s been pretty good. A cold front that was supposed to bring rain and temps in the upper 40s this morning, didn’t. It’s very windy but the sun is shining and we stayed in the 60s all day. Now tomorrow morning is supposed to be in the 40s.

    After church we had a quick lunch and then went shopping for some dress pants for hubby (no luck there)…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic October 15 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today has been good. I did my “happy thing” (food photography) after church and that felt good. I realized I like being in a hands-on creative space. It’s very calming for my mind. I’m going to get back into my project to update blog pics. That will do double duty as me prepping healthy meals, so it’s a win-win.

    Eats for today haven’t been…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Saturday was a good day for me. My oldest daughter is home on break and we hung out. I got my tire fixed (someone hit my car and bent my rim). The rim was fixable. Later in the day I learned the tire is not so much. I was driving and the darn thing popped! Turns out it also had a huge nail in it. Bah!

    I can’t remember my eats from yesterday but I…[Read more]

  • Blanche J replied to the topic October 14 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Morning!  Rough emotional day yesterday!  I hate being taken for granted or …. yeah, that!

    anyway, kids were pretty good with a very moody, sassy 10yr Old in the mix!  Made scalloped potatoes for dinner…yum!  Funny how there are 5 people living here, 2 of which are children, but i’m Always alone! 😳

    tomorrow my hubby and I will get out of th…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller started the topic October 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

    Not much going on. Working on the house as always. I did have to finish up getting my oldest daughter’s birthday gift so I could get it in the mail to be delivered on her birthday Monday. It’s hard for me to believe sometimes that I have a child that is about to turn 37!

    Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake

    Lunch…[Read more]

  • Blanche J replied to the topic October 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Ok, ok!  I’m here!  My days are basically all the same…  lol. But!!  I did get my nails done!  Food is doing pretty good… and i’m Staying away from wine so there’s that.  Exercise is on hold till I get some weight off due to the horrible pain in my knees!  Other than that…one Day is much like another. 😜

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Wow. Daily Check-ins is getting lean.

    I may have to start tagging folks again.

    @hrdlckwmn, where you at?

    @blanche-j-2, where you at?

    @beffietheteach, where you at?

    @baylorbev, where you at?

    @kspot42, where you at?

    As for me…WHEW! Today was insane. In. Sane! At work I was in charge of launching a fundraising campaign and I launched it. And…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller started the topic October 12 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m finally over the stomach bug my husband shared with me. However, last night was one of those nights that I just didn’t sleep. I finally dozed off just after five this morning. Unfortunately, the alarm goes off at 5:20. So I’ve been pretty much useless today. I ended up skipping my support group meeting.

    Meals have actually been small snacks…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic October 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I’m definitely late posting. Sorry about that! I’m finally feeling better from the stomach bug. I spent the morning getting the oil changed in my husband’s car and then getting his “dress up” clothes ready to go to a close work friend’s funeral tomorrow.

    Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake

    Lunch… Well, I never actually got around to eating…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic October 11 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Wednesday. HUMP DAY!

    It’s rainy again. Blah. But at least it’s cooler. I’m rooting for fall. I wish it would come and stay a while!

    Not much planned today. I’ll do my walk at lunch if it doesn’t rain. Tonight I need to get some stuff done around the house.

    Eats I’m not sure of. This morning I did have a homemade biscuit with an egg and some…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I did my lunchtime walk. And I went to Zumba!

    The walk made me realize something important. There is something about physical exertion that helps me control anxiety. I think that part of the reason why I’ve been feeling more anxious lately is because I haven’t been moving as much as I normally would.

    So I think I need to focus hard on that in…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I don’t think intuitive eating has to be at odds with logging/tracking.

    It does take some mindset shifting though.

    I eat pretty intuitively. By that I mean, I eat when I am hungry. And I eat as much as it takes for me to not be hungry anymore. Some days I get hungry a lot. Some days I don’t get hungry at all. I just sort of go with what my body…[Read more]

  • Robin Miller replied to the topic October 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Apparently, I have caught whatever it is my husband had this past weekend and yesterday. It hit me after lunch yesterday. Last night was miserable.

    I’m going to try to get the books to the library today, but at the moment it’s pretty iffy.

    A close work friend of my husband’s died and the funeral is Thursday. We’re supposed to be taking a four…[Read more]

  • Nikki Massie replied to the topic October 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Ok so here’s how things shook out:

    1. I called my general breast surgeon and my reconstructive surgeon. General surgeon, I have an appointment with him on the 27th. Reconstructive…sigh…that’s another post but long story short, I have a feeling I’m about to have to jump through more hoops.
    2. I did get some of the laundry folded so…yay!
    3. I…

    [Read more]

  • Nikki Massie started the topic October 10 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    I survived Monday!

    I am about to go update yesterday’s thread with how things shook out but I will just say that, unto itself, is an accomplishment.

    Today the sun is shining, so I’m going to take my walk during lunch time. Tonight is Zumba and I actually managed to get my gym bag packed AND in the car. So…winning!

    Eats for today:

    [Read more]

  • Maria A replied to the topic October 9 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years ago

    Today I took a “me” day. My grandson was off school today but he went to his other grandparents house. I went to the chiropractor this morning and then went and got my hair cut and colored. The rest of the day did some laundry, some food prep for the rest of the week and cooked dinner.

    Breakfast –  a couple of slices of turkey breast

    Lunch -…[Read more]

  • This week I don’t have a lot of appointments. Today was a “me” day, the rest of the week picking up my grandson at 1 pm everyday and I will be taking my mother-in-law to the vascular surgeon on Wednesday to find out what her options are regarding her aortic aneurysm. My goal this week is to try and keep my stress level low (but it probably won’t…[Read more]

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