Journaling Challenge – Day 8

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    • #2825
      Denise Lucas

      I’m done for today and this one was short and sweet. Is there a thought about how long these responses should be? I was thinking pretty much however much comes out of your brain onto the paper, but if I’m not writing enough and need to dig more, I can certainly try that too.

      • #2826
        Nikki Massie

        How long/short your journal entries are is up to you! The prompts are just meant to get you thinking about a particular subject but I think there will be some prompts that will elicit longer responses, and some shorter responses. I would recommend, though, that you leave some blank space after ones that are super-short just in case you have a revelation about it two prompts from now (that tends to happen to me a lot in general).

    • #2827
      Robin Miller

      I’m done.

    • #2830

      Done day 8 … Interesting topic

    • #2835
      Mary Grisaffi

      I am done for the 8th.  My entry was short also and to the point.  I believe whatever flows out is what there is.


    • #2839
      Susan Sheipe

      Done for today

    • #4480
      Maria A

      Not sure I’ll have time to do today’s prompt. Will need to catch up tomorrow with 3 days worth. I WILL make the time to do this.


    • #4545
      Maria A

      Ok, I didn’t complete as scheduled, but I have completed today!!

      One thought that occurred to me while writing in my journal on this is when I was a young child (1960’s) feelings were not to be expressed. Children were “to be seen not heard” and if you expressed any feelings you were hushed immediately and told that your feelings were nonsense and to just smile. So at an early age you begin to think that your feelings aren’t important and end up not knowing how to deal with them.

      Just my 2 cents worth and I am done with my “Dr. Phil” observations.


      • #4551
        Nikki Massie

        But I like your Dr. Phil moments!

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