KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 20 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I WENT TO THE GYM!!!!!!!!!
Also, the uula looks cool. But, if you’re a cheap person who has a smart phone, there are iphone apps that remind you to drink water. So, it’s something to consider to help you…
KathyP replied to the topic June 19 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 6 months ago
I didn’t hit water, I didn’t hit the 1 hr tech free (all in a row – I did manage giant blocks of it, though), and I think I ate before bed. Maybe I did, though – I was reading and then fell asleep. It was Monday, basically.
Today has to be better. My body is demanding it. And I have a virtual gym date with Nikki. I am determined to at least s…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 19 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
OK, I was afraid you wanted us to make and portion things at home. That was going to be a GIANT challenge. Actually planning the meals and following up on the plan is a challenge, but one I feel more capable of doing. Phew.
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 19 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I’m thinking more about the water, which is good.
I’m unplugging, which is good. I’m conscious about when I eat at night, which is good.
I’m also thinking about the plan for the next habit – which is good, because it will take effort on my part.
To elaborate on the issue, here is my normal work week meal “plan”
a) Quest bar for breakfast in…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 17 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
i made it 40 minutes unplugged last night!
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 16 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I like to read on my e-reader app. But i’m also a slave sometimes. I did a good job today without texting at lunch – until I remembered my poor niece thought i was ignoring her and sent her a text. but I thought of the challenge before i blew it. i’ll work on the challenge again later – i like to read before bed.
KathyP replied to the topic Keeping track of blood tests in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
Sarahlareina – I do the same thing. I’ve had the dietician tell me my surgeon prefers our levels be slightly different than “normal” – maybe to prevent too high or too low since we can swing so easily.
KathyP replied to the topic QOTD: If you feel like you are "off-track"… in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
Fear of success.
Yes, that’s what I said. I’m afraid of being successful, because then I have more to lose. It’s easier to let inertia win, and not try, than to try and be successful and then fail again. If I stay in failure mode, it’s only one failure. If I succeed and fail again, it’s a bigger blow.
That’s my deep self-analysis for the moment.…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 16 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I discovered unplugging is difficult to think of for me. The concept hurts my brain. It was a challenge to make it from work to home (via car that I’m driving) without looking at my phone. I am addicted to my tech! I think my total time in a row yesterday was about half hour, when I was at home reading before I fell asleep.
Water consumption…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 15 (new habit!) in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
OMG. I’m going to starve.
KathyP replied to the topic Gallbatter in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
For weight loss: it depends where you are on the plan (years out), how active you are, what your doctor says, and what you’ve BEEN eating. I know my calories because of myfitnesspal (when I was paying attention and logging) and I know how much to dilute them to lose weight. it’s more about counting the carbs for me, and getting protein first.…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 14 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I didn’t drink often enough after my early check in yesterday. I got to about 32 without caffeine and 64 total (hence, my problem hitting 72. the devil caffeine).
I stopped eating. I should have stopped sooner. I “fixed” it by staying up later than I should have. One bad habit swapped for another. Duh.
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 14 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
Well, I am still rocking the week 2 habit, and not doing so well on the week 1. Today I’ve gotten 24 oz in so far, though.
KathyP replied to the topic So, my life is a mess… in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
Well – in terms of self care / post-op maintenance:
I take my vitamins and had the labs done. I compared them to past values, and know what to watch out for based on my history. I’m also VSG, so there’s less deficiency issues for me. I’m good there, except for what my primary care fixed up.
I also saw a bariatric surgeon for follow up (who…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Sugar Detox in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
So you’ve done it? I’ve cut sugar before, but not the artificial. I’m going to have to ponder this, and look at the other stressors in my life so I don’t set my self up to be a raging bitch or for failure.
KathyP started the topic Sugar Detox in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
KathyP started the topic So, my life is a mess… in the forum Open Discussion 7 years, 6 months ago
this is a stream of consciousness post.
my therapist has been asking me if this job is good for me.
I’ve been taking crappy care of myself. I’m eating like crap. I’m not exercising. I’m not sleeping. I’m spending weekends in “recovery” mode – on the couch. I’m not doing my hobbies. I’m…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic June 13 in the forum Daily Check-Ins 7 years, 6 months ago
I should just surrender to the inevitability of not being successful this month.
I need to do well on the July challenge, and take care of me.
I caught up for my deadline of tomorrow at work, and then in 10 minutes this morning, got assigned another big project for next week and have two customer visits (and I don’t normally do them) between now…[Read more]
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 12 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I continue to struggle with the fluids. Not Eating hasn’t been as hard, but still makes me stop and think…
KathyP replied to the topic Simple Daily Habits – Day 9 in the forum June 2017: The Simple Healthy Habits Challenge 7 years, 6 months ago
I did really well yesterday (sarcasm) – i stayed up until 4 am on the couch, so i didn’t eat before bed. i stopped drinking too early, though, so it was probably not 64 oz, let alone 72. Already have 8 oz in today. but I WILL be needing a nap.
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